Llanelly County School Magazine – Mid-summer 1924
Headmaster Griffiths J Thomas, M.A., (from 1917) ,late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford.
Number of Assistant Masters 20,including T V Shaw B.A. Hons English ( future headmaster ). School Fees including Games £4.13s.0d per annum or £1.11s.0d per term
Recommended admission age 12.
Of interest in the Magazine is the reference to :-
”The Wireless Club, – this society is becoming very popular. The School proudly has a 6 valve set, and is daily tuned in mostly to stations in Cardiff, Bournemouth, London, Manchester and Paris.
The BBC Stations have educational items for schoolboys on their programmes & many interesting lectures might be received in the afternoons. The School however lacks a loudspeaker and is seeking funds therefor from all wealthy friends of the School.”!