Categories 1956-1968 Stanley G Rees1960 to 1969EVENTSEvents GalleriesNEWSPhoto ArchiveSchool History ( post 1895 )

Opening Ceremony by H.R.H. Prince Philip, 3rd Nov.1960


Please click on  the heading ”Videos ” to view the film of the official opening of the School ,on the new site at Pwll, by His royal Highness Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. Headmaster was Mr. Stanley G Rees M.A.( appointed 1956). This new School replaced the original School built 1895 at Marble Hall Road – then entitled ”The County Intermediate School for Boys ”, then renamed in 1945 ” LLanelly Boys’ Grammar School ,and in 1956 renamed ”Llanelly Boys’ Grammar Technical School ”until 1977, The School then became ”The Graig Comprehensive School ” until closure in 1997, when the site became the Tertiary College prior to becoming the Graig College.

The School, in 1960  had 41 highly qualified assistant masters. Deputy head was H Rolfe Esc, B.Sc. A.Inst.P..  The student roll was  841 boys who were being prepared for the Universities, Training Colleges, Trades, Professions, and in increasing numbers for the Colleges of Technology. The Dedicatory Prayer for this most important occasion was  given by  the former Headmaster – now ordained – Rev T V Shaw. M.A.

We would thank Philip John, former pupil, and now Emeritus Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, who entered the school in 1956 for providing this program of the Opening of the School , for the Association to copy and add to the site.

Any former pupils ,or family, who have school magazines. school photos, or records of life in the School – for us to copy to the site, please contact our secretary, David Marshall, at,     Thankyou

Opening Ceremony 3 Nov 1960

We are pleased to attach a further film, silent, of  the Duke of Edinburgh visit – see below, thanks to Lyn John, Chairman of Llanelli Community Heritage, :-
Hello George,
I hope all is well with you?
A film of the opening of the school by the DoE…
Regards ,