Categories 1895 to 18991900 to 19091910 to 1919NEWSPhoto Archive

Publication and cost of school magazine from 1899, initially termly to 1939,twice yearly to 1953,annual thereafter.Cost,3d,6d,1/-, free from 1952!.

The School Magazine was first published in 1899.

The Editor stated that the purpose was to give the boys  ”all school news of any interest & in fact be a chronicle of all school doings ”

From 1899 to 1939 the magazine was produced for each term, so was sold Easter, Mid Summer and Xmas,

From 1940 to 1953 it appeared twice yearly, Christmas and Mid Summer,  and from 1954 onwards it was issued at Christmas only.

( do we call that progress ? )

From 1899 to early twenties cost was 3d ( old pennies i.e.1.25 current coinage )

then to 1949 cost was 6d ( cost in current coinage 2.5 pence.)

To 1952 cost was 1/-  ,that is one shilling  – ( cost current coinage 5p )

Thereafter it was free


Illustration below of the front cover of the  Midsummer 1912  magazine

We are seeking further copies of School Magazines. If you have any magazines, photos,  programs or similar material we would be pleased to have copies, alternatively please send to us to copy and add to the site .We will naturally return all items forwarded to us. Thankyou

Please contact our secretary David Marshall at :
